Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hello Mr. Pibbs...

We have a new fish, his name is Mr. Pibbs...Megan brought him home after spending the day with Grandma and Grandpa, he was "free". She won him at a grand opening of something. Megan named him Mr. Pibbs because in the movie Zoom the characters didn't have anyone to play with so they built a robot and named it Mr. Pibbs. Megan said since she was an only child and she didn't have anyone to play with (excluding her three dogs and two cats) Mr. Pibbs was a perfect name for her fish. And let me say ouch on that one.
Megan has lost interest in Mr. Pibbs, she still feeds him but that's about it, however, Pete is fascinated by Mr. Pibbs, he gets up on the counter (which is a no no) and stares at Mr. Pibbs for as long as we will let him. Good thing Mr. Pibbs has Pete to look after him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww... you can borrow any or all of our kids any time!