Sunday, August 31, 2008


We have been doing a lot of dirt work around her lately trying to get the yard ready to be's really hard work. So, I'm working away and I find a thick piece of glass on the ground. When we were building our house we found a lot of very old glass bottles and other things, but we haven't seen anything in while. So, when I saw this piece of glass I made sure to take a good look at it. And I couldn't believe the coincidence...the piece of glass was dated August 31st,'s date! I just think that is so cool and wanted to share it.


Jenn said...

Oh how funny! That is a coincidence!

I didn't know you guys were doing major yard work. I'd love to see it when it's finished.

Melanie said...

Of course! Yah, the day of the party when Nate drove in the front yard I was worried he might get a nail in his's full of stuff like that but not for long;)

Anonymous said...

Interesting! Don't let the boys see the "mighty machine" in your yard!