Saturday, March 1, 2008

New to this blog stuff.... Well, everyone's doing, I'm going to do it, too. That philosophy isn't what I normally live by but, I thought I would give it a try (blogging that is). My friend Jenn does it and she now has a small group of people that she has on her list and I would really like to be on that list. I'm not jealous or anything...I just think that it looks like fun and I don't want to miss out on it.So, my blog journey begins......


Jenn said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

You crack me up girl! "My friend Jenn does it and she now has a small group of people that she has on her list and I would really like to be on that list."

You are soooo on my list now!

:0) Jenn

Jenn said...

Your post totally made me think of this line from The Wedding Singer:
click here

Christine David said...

Okay, the pressure is on...I'm adding you to my list ;) So you'll have to post from time to time, lol. Keep it up and I am sure that you'll find your life is far more exciting than you think. You should post something about your tea!