Saturday, November 29, 2008

Po'ipu Beach

Po'ipu Beach has been rated the number one beach in the world. It's a great place for kids because it has a natural breakwater. It has a little lagoon spot that is perfect for swimming....that is if the beach is open. The beach was closed the first day we went because an Orca whale had beached itself (a very sad story) which brings in Tiger the beach was closed. We have pictures of the Orca but I changed my mind about posting them. It is very rare for Orcas to be in this area, they are supposed to be in cold waters. The whale was a young male that looked like it was starving, it was lost from its Pod...from what we heard the poor thing was crying. They gave it sedation and then put it to sleep. Then they loaded in on a flat bed trailer with a big front loader and that was it. We watched them load it, it was sad but we explained to Megan why it was better for the Whale to be in heaven and she understood it....when we told Megan about Emma we talked about the whale story. It's strange how close the timing was.
I wish we would have gotten better pictures of the beach, these don't do it any justice at all. You can't see the lagoon. We did swim at this beach, but on days when I was swimming the camera was not allowed. I do have a post card of it and I might post it later.

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